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Couples Therapy

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Couples Therapy

Do You Feel Like The Spark Is Gone From Your Relationship?

Are you and your significant other dealing with communication issues? Has a lack of trust hurt your relationship? Although you used to be deeply in love, do you feel like you’re just roommates now?  Maybe your relationship is full of resentment, jealousy, confusion, and arguments. Or perhaps you simply feel disconnected from each other without knowing why. Deep down, maybe you feel like your partner just doesn’t “get” you anymore. Perhaps you’re not on the same page in the bedroom and all your needs have gone unsatisfied.  If you have kids together, you might put on a brave face for your children and act like everything is fine. Maybe you’ve told each other that you’ll stay together for their sake, but you feel like you’re just dragging your feet at this point. 

Whether you’re married, unmarried, or planning to tie the knot, couples therapy with CBT Wellness & Virtual Services is a chance to rekindle the spark that set your love aflame in the beginning. We also offer counselling for separated couples who are looking to peacefully navigate co-parenting and divorce.

Many Couples Delay Having The Hard Conversations

Relationships are complicated because people are complicated. No two people see exactly eye to eye. Unfortunately, too many couples take their differences for granted and don’t actively try to work through them. During the honeymoon phase, when the love feels magical, effortless, and free-flowing, it’s easy to skip over the hard conversations and pretend that everything will sort itself out. 

But the more that couples delay the hard conversations, the more problems fester. This is why it’s important to be proactive. Getting support early can help you nip your issues in the bud and ensure that you and your spouse have a lasting connection for years to come.

Rekindle Your Spark With Counselling​

If you and your spouse want to solve communication issues and deepen your intimacy and affection, we encourage you to pursue couples counselling with us. If you live in Ontario and are looking to strengthen your relationship, we encourage you to connect with one of our therapists.  To get started fill out the contact form, click one of the buttons below to book an appointment or call/text 647-847-8875.

In The Social Media Age, It’s Easy To Feel Like Your Relationship Is The Only One Struggling

Oftentimes, couples are scared to seek help because it seems like an admission of failure. In the social media age, when everyone’s timelines are filled with photos of starry-eyed, lovey-dovey couples traveling the world together, it’s easy for couples to think no one else is struggling. Many of them feel like their relationship is the odd one out.

Couples counselling can help you realize that you’re not alone. It’s a chance to talk to someone who will normalize your struggles and help you work through your differences amicably.

Couples Therapy Can Help You Work Through Conflict Constructively And Fall In Love Again

Let’s face it: before you come to couples therapy, part of you may worry that your counsellor will take sides or turn your partner against you. You might fear that talking about your problems will just make you argue more. Here at CBT Wellness & Virtual Services, you can rest assured that this won’t happen. Our therapists strive to remain unbiased and are trained to help couples resolve conflict constructively. 

Besides, couples counselling is not about discerning who’s right and wrong. It’s about helping you and your significant other work together as a team. Having tough conversations isn’t always easy, but it increases your awareness of the issues at hand. This makes it easier to see a path forward.

What To Expect In Couples Therapy Sessions

In sessions together, we will help you and your partner identify what’s gone wrong in your relationship and figure out why. The goal is to explore the root of your conflict and understand why you approach relationships the way you do.

Oftentimes, this means looking at attachment styles, love languages, unmet needs, and unconscious expectations. Does one of you like to solve conflict head-on while the other withdraws? Growing up, did your families have different expectations for how spouses divide responsibilities? Answering these questions can bring so much clarity to your relationship. 

Although we want your relationship to thrive, we will never pressure you to stay together. That’s why we also offer separation and divorce counselling. If you decide to go your separate ways, we will help you keep things civil so that there is no leftover resentment. And if you have kids, we can help you learn to co-parent peacefully for their sake.

Tailoring Your Couples Therapy Plan
The approach we use for counselling ultimately depends on what’s best for your marriage. Our therapists often draw from the Gottman Method, an approach that seeks to help couples overcome defensive behaviours and increase fondness and admiration for each other. We also use a lot of Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT). This approach is all about resolving combative language and focusing on your own feelings instead of the other person. The goal is to use “I” statements (“I feel unimportant when you ignore me”) instead of “you” statements (“you always ignore me”).

In the end, we believe that you can strengthen your relationship and become a better person in the process. Our goal is to help you solve communication issues, rekindle your spark, and fall in love all over again.

You May Have Some Concerns About Marriage And Couples Therapy….

Does couples therapy actually work?
Yes, as long as you and your partner are equally committed to healing together! Our therapists have helped save so many relationships, so we are confident that we can do the same for you. The important thing is that both of you are willing to do the individual work needed to repair your marriage. Just as it takes two to tango, it takes two to heal.
Will my therapist favour my partner?
Our therapists are unbiased, nonjudgmental, and equally focused on you and your partner. We are not going to side with one of you over the other, since that would be detrimental to healing your relationship. We provide a safe space where you can both feel safe, secure, validated, and listened to.
What if my partner doesn’t want to come?
We won’t make your partner come to therapy, but we can talk to them about their hesitations. This is what the free consultation is for. It’s a chance to identify any fears and misconceptions they have. If they’re still not gung-ho about couples therapy, that’s okay. You can still do individual counselling to work on your part of the relationship. In our experience, one partner going to therapy often leads to the other one deciding to come along, too. In this way, doing individual counselling ensures that your relationship already has a foot in the door.

Couples Therapist Bios

Click on a Therapist to find out more
Chantal Tabi Online Therapist

Chantal Tabi


Individual Therapist for Children, Youth & Adults; Couples Therapist; Family Therapist

Tijana Pesic


Individual Therapist for
Adults & Couples

Esra Magsoud


Individual Therapist for Youth, Adults
Couples & Family

Lisa Davis


Individual Therapist for Couples, Children,
Youth & Adults

Henry Wong


Individual Therapist for Youth, Adults
Couples & Family