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Anxiety Treatment

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Anxiety Treatment

Do You Feel Too Stressed Out To Enjoy Life Anymore?

Are you tired of overthinking everything? Does it feel like your brain is on a continual rollercoaster ride of racing thoughts and you can’t shut it off? Do you have trouble falling asleep at night because of how anxious you are?

Maybe you’re stressed about your health, finances, or relationships. Perhaps you feel restless, wound up, and on edge all the time. When you do something wrong, you can’t stop thinking about it all day long. Then at night, you might be unable to fall asleep because you’re so busy worrying about the next day. It’s like you’re always stuck in the past or hung up on the future, never able to live in the present


Anxiety Becomes A Problem When It Starts To Control Your Life​

When you’re living with anxiety, just the idea of seeking help can seem stressful. You may suffer from social anxiety and worry that treatment would just make your anxiety worse. Besides, when you turned to other people in the past, they might’ve invalidated you or told you that “everyone gets anxious from time to time.” While it’s true that anxiety is a universal human experience, it becomes a major problem when it starts to run your life. This is why it’s important to seek help. Here at CBT Wellness & Virtual Services, we want to help you regulate your anxiety so that it doesn’t make all your decisions for you. This is a chance to get back in the driver’s seat and stop letting stress hold you back from the life you want.

Let Us Help You Get
Your Anxiety Under Control​

Take a proactive step towards managing your anxiety and reclaiming your peace of mind. With the right guidance, support and evidence based techniques from our skills therapists, you can learn how to effectively cope with your anxiety and live a more fulfilling life. You deserve to feel calm and confident; we can show you how.

If you live in Ontario and you’re struggling with anxiety, we encourage you to connect with one of our therapists.  To get started fill out the Contact Form, click one of the buttons below to book an appointment or call/text 647-847-8875.

Modern Hustle Culture Gives Us No Time To Relax And Makes Anxiety Worse

Feeling anxious is part of being human. In fact, anxiety isn’t always the enemy. A little bit of anxiety can help you be more prepared for a big presentation or a job interview. It can also help you stay alert in times of danger. But unfortunately, many people who experience anxiety today find that it interferes with their ability to enjoy life.

Our workaholic hustle culture only adds to the problem. We live in a society that encourages us to go, go, and go without pausing to relax. As a result, many of us don’t know how to slow down and take time for ourselves. 

We might want to slow down, but we’re so used to having a million things going on that we don’t know how to. The idea of saying no and removing things from our schedule may seem scary. We continue to multitask and jump from one thing to the next without any time for self-care.

It’s great to be driven and ambitious, but it’s equally important to prioritize your wellbeing and honour the relationship you have with yourself. Counselling with CBT Wellness is a chance to pause, unwind, and detach from all the stressors that are driving your anxiety.

Anxiety Treatment Can Help You Quiet Your Mind

It isn’t easy to reach out for help when you’re anxious, but it’s essential to the healing process. Oftentimes, the hardest part is getting started—most of our clients tell us they’re so glad they came after the first session or two. Their anxiety usually decreases after processing it aloud with a therapist. We want you to experience the same relief.

Our goal is to help you quiet your mind and feel more grounded and present in your life. We want to help you increase your awareness of your symptoms and learn to identify the warning signs of anxiety. Does your heart start racing? Do your palms get sweaty? Does your breath become heavier? Answering these questions can help you recognize anxiety when it strikes. You can learn to interfere before your stress levels reach a 10-out-of-10 and prevent panic attacks from happening.

Tailoring Your Anxiety Treatment Plan

Counselling with CBT Wellness is always individualised to meet your needs and goals. That said, there are several core approaches that inform the work we do. 

Our practice uses a lot of mindfulness skills to help reduce stress. Mindfulness encourages you to focus on the here and now instead of ruminating on the past or living in the future. It’s about increasing your self-awareness by simply observing the present moment instead of judging or thinking so hard about it. This can be done through meditation, deep breathing, and other calming strategies.
As our practice name suggests, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is deeply important to us. CBT can help you become more aware of how your thoughts influence the way you feel and behave. The goal is to introduce healthier ways of thinking and break out of unhelpful behaviour patterns. 

We also use a lot of DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy). Whereas CBT focuses on your thinking, DBT is more about giving you concrete strategies for regulating anxiety. It can help you increase your tolerance to distress and also prevent distress from happening. It’s a useful form of treatment for panic attacks and episodes of severe anxiety. 

In the end, anxiety counselling is what our practice specialises in. It’s our bread and butter. The majority of clients who reach out to us suffer from anxiety, so we have lots of experience in this area. We are confident that we can help you decrease your stress levels and experience peace of mind.

You May Have Some Questions About Anxiety Treatment…

Won’t talking about anxiety make it worse?
When it comes to anxiety, we like to say that you have to “feel it to heal it.” Avoiding or suppressing your emotions will only make them worse. That said, we know that talking about anxiety isn’t easy. That’s why we prioritise working together at a pace that’s right for you. We are here to help you put words to your feelings and ensure that you feel safe and comfortable at all times.
Can therapy eliminate my anxiety?
Believe it or not, eliminating anxiety entirely is not healthy. A little anxiety is actually good for dealing with stressful situations. Without anxiety, you would be more likely to make impulsive, dangerous decisions. You also wouldn’t be as motivated to rehearse for big assignments and presentations. In therapy, our goal is to regulate anxiety so that it doesn’t control your life. We want you to achieve a healthier sense of balance, minimizing anxiety’s role in your life so that it isn’t the driving force behind all your decisions.
What if talking to a stranger makes me anxious?
We get that talking to a stranger can be anxiety-provoking. That is normal and expected. Our therapists are all very kind and compassionate and many of them have dealt with anxiety themselves. What’s more, we offer a free, 15-minute phone consultation so that you can get a feel for each therapist and their approach to anxiety treatment. This way, you can easily find a therapist that you feel comfortable with.

Therapist Bios

Click on a Therapist to find out more
Chantal Tabi Online Therapist

Chantal Tabi


Individual Therapist for Children, Youth & Adults; Couples Therapist; Family Therapist

Sherelle Schoburg


Individual Therapist for Children,
Youth & Adults

Tijana Pesic


Individual Therapist for
Adults & Couples

Laura Davidson


Individual Therapist for Children, Families
Teenagers & Adults

Lisa Davis


Individual Therapist for Couples, Children,
Youth & Adults

Esra Magsoud


Individual Therapist for Youth, Adults
Couples & Family

Hasina Arghastani


Individual Therapist for Children, 
Teenagers & Adults

Randall Gutierrez


Individual Therapist for Adults

Ernest Tam


Individual Therapist for Youth & Adults

Dmitry Zabrodskiy


Individual Therapist for Youth, Adults
Couples & Family

Henry Wong


Individual Therapist for Youth, Adults
Couples & Family