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Therapy for Teens in Mississauga

Therapy for Teens

Do You Wish You Could Understand Your Teenager?

Is your teen dealing with anxiety, depression, ADHD, or other mental health issues? Are they struggling to keep up in school or missing classes? Do you wish you knew how to help them, but they won’t communicate with you?

Maybe your teenager is socialising less and spending all their time on their phone. Perhaps they’re struggling with low self-esteem—they don’t like their body and they’re obsessed with losing weight or social media. Maybe they’re failing to turn in assignments or getting written up all the time. They might be giving in to peer pressure and engaging in risky behaviors. 

When you try to talk sense into them, they may get argumentative or refuse to talk to you entirely. It’s like you’ve hit a wall in your relationship with them. They might tell you that “You don’t know what it’s like to be a teen nowadays,” leaving you at a loss for words.

Parenting A Teen Can Feel Like A Balancing Act

One of the biggest challenges of parenting a teen is striking a balance between being strict and lenient. If your teen is missing school or hanging with the wrong crowd, you may ask yourself: how do I know when to push and when to back off? You don’t want to be an enabler of bad behaviour, but you also don’t want to be a helicopter parent. 

Therapy can help you find the right balance and establish boundaries for your teen that are firm and healthy. Here at CBT Wellness & Virtual Services our goal is to help your teen get the emotional support they need and empower you to parent more effectively.

Send us a message if you have any questions.
Many Teens Struggle To Feel Good About Themselves

The teen years are an exciting time of self-discovery, but they’re also fraught with new pressures and anxieties. Teenagers are often asking themselves: Who am I? What do I want out of life? What kind of friends do I want to surround myself with? Where do I fit in? These questions of deeper meaning put a lot of stress on their lives. 

In the social media age, there is more pressure on teens than there has ever been. All day long, teens are bombarded with images of people who seem happier, better-looking, and more popular than they are. Little wonder, then, that millions of teenagers struggle with low self-esteem and worry that they’ll never be successful.

The Teen Years Are Also Stressful For Parents

In many ways, raising a teen is just as difficult as being one. Since teens are at the age where they’re starting to crave more independence, it’s hard to know how much freedom to give them. Additionally, many teens feel like their parents just don’t “get” what it’s like to be a teenager nowadays. This can create communication barriers, as teens are often resistant to talk to their parents about what’s going on in their lives. 

At CBT Wellness & Virtual Services, our therapists have a unique ability to relate to teens. What’s more, many of our teen counsellors are relatively young and understand growing up in the 21st century.

Therapy Can Help You And Your Teen Connect With Each Other On A Deeper Level

Many adults downplay the struggles of teens. When you tell other parents about your teens’ issues, they may tell you that it’s “just a phase” or that they’ll “grow out of it.” Teens may be young and still figuring it all out, but that doesn’t mean their suffering is just a phase. Their mental health needs are legitimate. Teenage anxiety and depression are very real and therapy is as crucial for teens as it is for adults.

Therapy is a safe place for teens to feel seen, heard, and understood. It’s also a chance for you to learn how to support them and connect with them on their level. We want you to be someone they can turn to when they’re feeling down.

What To Expect In Sessions

Generally speaking, we will start by doing an intake call with you to go over logistics, availability, and pricing. When it comes to choosing a therapist, we encourage you to let your teen pick the one that suits them best (read their bio, look at their picture, watch their video, have a free 15 minute consultation etc). After all, it’s important to give your teen control over their own healing journey. This means respecting their autonomy and privacy.

That said, you are welcome to attend sessions occasionally if your teen is okay with it. With their permission, you can attend for the first or last ten minutes of each session to discuss how you can support them or get updated on their progress and next steps.

In sessions with your teenager, we will teach them healthy coping strategies, assertive communication skills, and new ways to regulate their emotions. We’ll also help you learn to parent in a way that is deeply supportive but still respectful of your teen’s boundaries. The goal is for you and your teen to learn to compromise and find something that works for both of you.

Tailoring Your Teen’s Counselling Plan
CBT Wellness draws from a wide range of approaches in teen therapy. To help teens challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves, we often use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). For teens who struggle with regulating emotions and impulsive behaviour, we generally use Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). Additionally, mindfulness is very important to our practice. Mindfulness activities can help teens stay grounded during stressful times and reduce their tendency to act recklessly.

Our therapists have worked with many teens who were reluctant to open up at first, only to end up enjoying and largely benefited from sessions. A lot of our therapists are also on the younger side of the counselling world, so they’re very familiar with many of the latest trends. We are confident that we can connect with your teen on a deeper level and help them improve their mental health.

You May Have Some Questions About Therapy for Teens…

How involved are parents?
The primary focus of teen counselling is, of course, on the teenager. But since you are such a crucial part of your teen’s life, we want you to play an active role in their journey. That’s why we want to help you explore new ways to support them and update you on their progress now and then. Since sessions are 50 minutes long, we can also have you join your teenager for the last ten minutes to discuss any parenting concerns.
Are sessions confidential?
Yes, everything your teen tells us is 100% confidential (the only exception is if your teen’s safety is at risk). Healing requires transparency, so that means giving your teen a space where they can be honest and transparent without the fear of anyone else knowing what they say.
I’m worried I’ll be told I’m a bad parent.
We know parenting is hard and complicated. We’ll never tell you that you’re doing a bad job. Besides, the very fact that you’re seeking therapy for your teen shows that you care deeply and want the best for them. Our goal is to help you build on what’s already working well and improve the areas that you feel stuck on.

Your Teen Deserves Someone Who Will Make Them Feel Heard And Validated

We believe you’re doing the best you can to help your teenager. Our goal is to take some of the weight off your shoulders and give your teen a safe place to express themselves, learn healthier coping skills and gain support as they navigate lifes’ complexities. We are here to help all family members thrive. To get started fill out the contact form, click one of the buttons below to book an appointment or call/text 647-847-8875.

Our Teen Therapists

Click on a Therapist to find out more

Individual Therapist for Children, 
Teens & Adults


Individual Therapist for Children,
Teens & Adults


Individual Therapist for Children,
Teens & Adults 


Individual Therapist for Children,
Teens & Adults

Couples & Family Therapist


Individual Therapist for Children,
Teens & Adults


Individual Therapist for Children, Teens & Adults
Couples & Family Therapist


Individual Therapist for Teens & Adults

Couples & Family Therapist

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